Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Dominion Group Inc. was fortunate to sit in on the taping of “Celebrity Close Calls” which airs on the Biography channel Monday nights 10 pm est. This particular episode they were shooting was about Gary Busey and the motorcycle accident he was involved in on December 4, 1988 which he was not wearing a helmet. His skull was fractured, and doctors feared he suffered permanent brain damage. The motorcycle accident was reenacted by a stunt-man who luckily knew his craft very well.
We’d like to thank Alan Bruckner and the rest of the crew for showing us around the set.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Most of us have learned over the years (from Red Cross, Police or Military training) how important the proper use of CPR is when witnessing a possible cardiac arrest or being requested to assist in the application of CPR. This new CPR method is revolutionary, since it does not require mouth to mouth resuscitation and the method of chest compressions has changed dramatically. Thanks go to my old friend Ron D - a retired cop from Oregon and brother in arms for sending me this video.

Continuous Chest Compression CPR
Every three days, more Americansdie from sudden cardiac arrest than the number who died in the 9-11 attacks. You can lessen this recurring loss by learning Continuous Chest Compression CPR, a hands-only CPR method that doubles a person's chance of surviving cardiac arrest. It's easy and does not require mouth-to-mouth contact, making it more likely bystanders will try to help, and it was developed at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Please watch this new CPR procedure at The University of Arizona web site. This video was originally posted on YouTube April 2010.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


An extreme case of animal cruelty has dog lovers up in arms. “Patrick” named by the Humane Society of Newark was brought to Garden State Veterinary Specialists where he is in the care of veterinary doctors. If you would like to donate to The Patrick Miracle click here.

Dominion Group Inc. has tried reaching out to the Humane Society for further information on the case and the individual guilty of this atrocity, we will update here when we have further information.

Using Firearms For Home Defense, Bad Idea?

Firearms are always a big topic when talking about home security or home defense. I personally carry a firearm and have several in my home; this does not mean I recommend everyone else do the same. I have experienced extensive training in the use of such weapons and have employed them correctly in real life situations; I am very comfortable with their use and am confident in my ability to keep them secured within my home. Many people do not have this level of training or ability to operate yet think that buying a pistol is the best way to defend themselves. This is the wrong answer in every situation.

Anyone with experience using firearms will tell you every time; the absolute best firearm for home defense is the shotgun. I use one myself and recommend the same to everyone who asks. Without serious training one will not be able to properly employ a pistol in a high tension situation, i.e. a burglar entering your home in the middle of the night. A shotgun is a simple weapon to operate and is approximately 275 times* more likely to hit the target in one of these tense situations.

Beyond the ease of use, the shotgun is a versatile weapon which enables you to use different types of rounds. This can reduce the chances of pass through. Maybe you live in an apartment, say you fire a handgun and miss your target, that round will continue until it hits something that stops it. It could easily pass through a wall and hit your neighbor sleeping on the other side (certain rounds can reduce this possibility). Buying a high number shot ammunition for your shotgun will allow you to miss and reduce the chances of such pass through. For those with a fear of killing such an intruder, less than lethal rounds are available for shotguns. A bean bag round will cause significant pain to the receiver of the shot but most likely will not kill the target. This allows a homeowner to gain control of the situation without the dread of taking a life on your conscious. A final point I always make about shotguns, the sound of a pump action shotgun being racked is generally enough to scare off any intruder. You don’t even have to have a round, perception is reality, and that sound strikes fear.

Other alternatives to firearms consist of pepper spray or tasers. These are legal for use in some states and outlawed in others. Obviously, it is the responsibility of the user to determine if the use of such a tool is permitted in their location. These can be useful tools when properly employed, training is still required.

For more information or a customized training event contact Brian at 516.554.9823 or email info@dominionsecure.com. Training can be conducted in Long Island, New York or can be arranged at a facility near you.

*Figure is based on the average spread of a 12 gauge shotgun at 3 meters compared to the size of a 9mm pistol round. This does not take into account the increased control over a shotgun compared to a pistol which would increase this number significantly. Trained users would experience a slimmer difference in hit percentages.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Personal Security at Your Home

If there is one place in this world that you should be able to feel 100% safe, it is inside your own home. Whether it is a condo, apartment, or a multilevel house, you should have a sense of security when you are home. Of course many of us do not always have this feeling, it may be due to the neighborhood we live in, the new neighbors that moved in, or our own paranoid self-conscious. If you are feeling any of these, there are several ways to increase security within your castle.

When I was younger, a teacher of mine told me he hung a moose head just inside his front door, suggesting that a burglar would move to the next house assuming that he had a gun and knew how to use it. I was not sure I agreed with the logic at the time and to a certain degree I still find it a bit ridiculous. However, perception is reality and making someone think that breaking into your home is a bad idea is just about as good as really making it so.

Using a moose head in your foyer may not suit you, placing ADT or some other well known security system’s stickers on your windows and doors may be an alternative. Presenting the illusion that you have a security system, even if you don’t want to spend the $30 or more a month, plus installation, can be a great deterrent to the opportunistic burglar. If you want to subscribe to the idea that a burglar avoids homes in which the occupants have firearms, a nice National Rifle Association sticker on your front door may serve your purpose well.

Burglaries are more common in empty homes rather than when someone is home. You would probably rather someone break-in when you are gone anyway, who wants to experience something like that. A good idea is to either leave lights on or purchase an inexpensive timer which will turn the lights on at a certain time each evening if you get home a bit later. Keep the doors and windows locked. It is nice to get fresh air, many windows these days have a method of opening a few inches and locking so that someone cannot simply crawl in through the open window. Depending on the area, a closed window may not be enough to stop a criminal. You may need to install steel bars over windows and the door. It should be remembered that even the strongest barrier is only as strong as what it is attached to. If you take a seriously sturdy bar and attach it to sheetrock, you will find that it is quickly removed.

To reduce the visibility of barricades (maybe you want extra security without the appearance of a jail or prison) there are a few inexpensive steps you may take. A simple door stop can be used to prevent a door from being kicked-in. This consists of a bar attaching against the inside of the door and attaching to something inside the home, behind the door. This will absorb significant impact and will most likely prevent entry as the perpetrator will move on after a few unsuccessful attempts. Arranging landscaping to prevent easy access to windows is another tool to discourage entry. If they cannot walk up to a window it will significantly lower the chance that someone will even attempt to break-in. People tend to take the path of least resistance, making your home just a little more difficult to breech could be the difference between being a victim and sleeping peacefully.

These suggestions cannot guarantee safety or that your home will not become the target of a criminal. I make them in order to provide an added layer of security which is non-existent in most cases. A security audit of your home by a professional should be performed if you have serious security concerns. These measures are intended to deter opportunistic criminals, if someone has deemed you or your home a target, a significantly higher level of security should be explored. Dominion Group Inc. prides itself in offering state of the art security systems and solid advice to clients. Nothing can match a customized audit of your security needs from a professional with years in the industry. Visit Dominion Group Inc. or call 516.554.9823 to learn more.

Living in New York city or Long Island? We can arrange a free consultation onsite.

The next discussion will explore self defense within the home. Are firearms a necessity or dangerous weapons to be avoided?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Farrah Montgomery FOUND!

Thank-you all for your concern and sharing Farrah's flyer in an effort to bring attention to her disappearance. Farrah was being held against her will in Texas by several individuals. Her captors viewed information about her disappearnce on the internet, fearing being caught these individuals released her-enabling her to contact police.

Thanks to Rescue Ink for their assistance to Dominion Group Inc. in the effort to find Farrah Montgomery.

The suspected captors are being held by the authorities in connection with this case. Thank-you to everyone who made an effort to find Farrah, we could not have made it happen without you!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Missing Girl in League City, TX

Click here to print the flyer and post it in the Houston, League City and Galveston areas

League City, Texas
$1,000 Reward*
Missing Since: March 9, 2011 at 8:00PM
Age: 17
Missing From: Devereux Treatment Center
Sex: female
Height: 5ft. 3in.
Weight: 122 Lbs.
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: red/auburn
Race: Caucasian
Complexion: light
Birth Date: August 11, 1993

Clothing Description: black hoody with multiple colored designs, tight black T-shirt, jeans, wide rhinestone belt, black Ugg boots and black rimmed glasses
Jewelry: Beaded bracelet and Saint Michael's necklace with angel in black
Farrah, you will not be going back to Devereux. You will be coming home.
Please call the League City Police Department at 281-332-2566 ext. 8 or 911 if you have any information about FARRAH MONTGOMERY- Case number: 111269
Or call the Laura Recovery Center at 281-482-LRCF(5723) or (toll free) 866-898-5723; FAX: 888-268-0573; (RN: 1668)
*Reward is offered by Farrah's family for her safe return or information leading directly to her safe recovery.

Download flyers from Recovery Effort Web Site: http://www.LRCF.org
Recovery Effort E-mail: recovery@lrcf.net

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Personal Security Measures - everyday travel safety

Hiring a private security company to maintain a heightened level of security is the most effective way to deter would-be attackers or kidnappers. This is obviously not a feasible solution for everyone as the costs of hiring private security can accumulate rather quickly. One can increase their security posture and present a more difficult target to random, opportunistic predators by keeping a few things in mind on a daily basis.

Avoid high crime areas. If you typically walk through an area that makes your stomach turn, find a way around it. This is not always possible but is the simplest way to avoid becoming a victim.

Be Alert! No one can stay ‘switched on’ 24 hours a day but there are times that you need to be aware of what is going on around you. When walking alone, especially if you are in an area with low light or one of those places that you know crime is likely, keep your head on a swivel. Be cognizant of the people around you, where you are heading and places an attacker could approach you from. Carry yourself in an upright and confident posture. Opportunistic thieves are looking for easy prey, they want the drunk or the hunched over person with a limp. Presenting yourself as a strong, fighter type can make a would-be attacker wait for an easier target.

Alternate your route. Walking or driving the same route to and from work every day can become very mundane and allows you to fall into comfort zone where everything blurs into the background. Taking a different route every day keeps you on your toes as you take in new information and are forced to make a conscious decision about where you are going.

Ditch the GPS. Besides shrinking your brain, reliance on a GPS creates a condition where people forget how to navigate around their hometown without it. You can’t pay attention to what is going on around you because your eyes are glued to the map on the GPS. Using a GPS can be beneficial when travelling to unknown areas but should only be used to aid in navigation, it should not replace reading road signs and using your prior knowledge of an area to navigate.

These are a few easy techniques to aid in your personal safety; they do not guarantee that you will be safe. If you suspect that you are being targeted, these steps may aid in some way but discussing your personal situation with a security consultant would be the best action to take. If someone is directly targeting you a security presence may be needed to deter an attack.

Dominion Group Inc. specializes in not only protecting its clients but determining who is attempting to exploit or attack them. Consultations are always free and recommendations are honest and to the point.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Check out my about.me profile!

Check out my about.me profile!

Is the US likely to suffer similar Nuclear problems to those in Japan?

“This Could Become Chernobyl on Steroids”: Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen on Japan’s Growing Nuclear Crisis.
“A tragedy such as we’re seeing in Japan right now is not only highly unlikely here (in the US), but the plant that we have and the plants that we are in the process of building are of a substantially safer design,” said Bill Timmerman, chairman and chief executive officer of  Scana.

Nuclear plants along Japan’s coast survived Friday’s 9.0-magnitude earthquake and shut down properly, SCE&G chief operating officer Stephen Byrne said. The trouble came when the subsequent surge of seawater swamped diesel generators powering the backup cooling system.

The fast-moving series of events has put Japan’s people on edge and has the government scrambling to contain a crisis caused by last week’s earthquake and tsunami. The government had ordered spraying water and boric acid over the plant in a desperate measure to contain radiation after officials said that many fuel rods were damaged. The radiation leak caused the government to order 140,000 people living within 20 miles of the plant to seal themselves indoors to avoid exposure. Tokyo Electric Power spokesman Hajimi Motujuku said a fire at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant broke out today in the No. 4 reactor. “Nuclear power is the most frightening, even more than a tsunami. The government, the ruling party, administrators, nobody tells us, the citizens, what is really happening,” said evacuee Isao Araki, 63.

No one really knows what will happen. Proponents on both sides argue over the effects that the radiation released in Japan will have on the population exposed to it. As they cannot agree on what levels of radiation are safe, the nuclear experts in the US cannot agree on weather America should continue developing nuclear facilities or put more resources into green energy before the US becomes victim to a similar disaster. Nuclear energy presents the US with a difficult situation as it is necessary to power the country at this time but it also bears a risk. Although the risk of loss to a terrorist organization is thwarted by sophisticated security systems, the risk of radiation exposure is still present. This risk has always been present, nuclear experts have only advanced the technology however. American citizens are certainly safer from nuclear power plants today than 30 years ago, despite the increase in their usage. Nuclear power is much more efficient than coal or oil and therefore it will continue to be a premier source of energy until one of the green technologies can produce electricity at a similar scale.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Island Security

Long Island Security companies are growing every day. Most of these companies, such as Dominion Group Inc. offer executive protection or body guards to wide array of clients. Dominoin Group Inc. is comprised of veterans of the US Army Special Forces and NYPD, it is a service disabled veteran owned business headquatered in Garden City, Long Island, NY.

Dominion Group Inc. prides itself in standing above all other Long Island security and Long Island protection companies. Dominion Group Inc. also offers superior security audits which allow businesses to increase their security posture to protect against potential security breeches that can cost millions.

How To Select A Home Security System

 With crime and the number of burglaries rising, more people are thinking about investing in security systems. There has never been a better time than to move forward with a security initiative. Home burglar alarm systems are designed to protect you and your loved ones from getting thefts or a potential attack from an intruder. Installing a security system in your home, is one the best precautionary measures that you can take to protect your belongings and family. There are many different security system choices available on the market. Selecting one that caters to your demands from both a price and security perspective should be a goal.
Selecting the appropriate security equipment requires you to review your security needs first. With many different types of systems that are available, it should be understood that some that are some suitable for protecting a small area and do not provide 24 hour monitoring options while others will come standard with more robust features.
In order to find the security equipment that matches your requirements, try searching online or by visiting private security companies operating in your local area. Should you require a 24-hour monitoring system, then you should invest in the equipment of a well recognized company that has the capabilities of synching with a central monitoring station. Certain companies offer such features, however they may be unable to respond when an emergency occurs if the system is not synched properly. You should gain complete knowledge and information about the security company from whom you are purchasing.
After identifying your needs and selecting the security company you wish to work with, you should learn more out about the number of emergency buttons, sirens, remote keys, and door and motion sensors on the system. Some areas in the house may be less secure than others and have greater chances for intrusion. Having knowledge about those areas, will make it easier for you to decide about the number of security accessories to add onto your system.
 From our friend at Security Cameras LI
Long Island Security

Number of Missing Persons Decreased but Recovery Rate Remains Low

The FBI publishes statistics about crime in the United States every year in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Although information concerning individual offenders is only releasable to certain law enforcement officials, anyone can view the criminial statistics. According to the FBI, the number of missing persons cases filed decreased in 2010.
During 2010, 692,944 missing person records were entered into NCIC, a decrease of 3.7 percent from the 719,558 records entered in 2009. Missing person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 703,316. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject; the individual returned home; or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record was invalid.
Does this mean America is becoming a safer place for our children? Perhaps, but these statistics can be deceiving.
It should be noted that of the 692,944 missing persons filed only 46,397 were located. This means that 646,547 or 93% of all missing persons in 2010 were never located.
Although children are the primary target of kidnappings, these crimes are not limited to children. Corporate executives and public figures find themselves in a dangerous position as they become targets to such predators. Many times the goal is monetary gain but hostage takers can also benefit with the power of control and influence. This creates a situation where not only is the target’s money at risk but his or her position as they may be forced to take actions directed by the holder of their loved one.
Protecting one’s assets is increasingly necessary in such a volitile world, not just among the super rich but anyone with something to lose. The fact of the matter is, the more you have, the more you must do to protect it. It is a grim statistic but 93% of missing persons are never recovered. The expense to protect loved ones is nothing compared to the loss of an irreplacable family member. Can individuals afford to pay large amounts in ransom or in an attempt to rescue a family member taken hostage? These amounts can be in the millions but daily protection of their family can come at a fraction of the price.
Protection against loss is always better than attempts at recovery after the fact.http://dominionsecure.com/

Private Security Companies Can Maintain Safety at Schools

School Security Fundamentals
Recent tragedies involving guns and bombs have prompted many school districts to consider adding high-tech hardware to their traditional lock-and-alarm systems.
Metal detectors are an expensive and controversial option. Their potential usefulness for a given school depends on many factors, including the severity of weapons problems, the availability of funds for staff and training, the physical design of buildings, and possible negative effects on school atmosphere.
Hand-held detectors are less expensive and intrusive than walk-through models, and their portability permits random checks. They are particularly effective in keeping weapons out of events that take place in a confined space, notes National Alliance for Safe Schools Director Peter Blauvelt. Other high-tech security measures include photo ID systems, which may be tied into school computer databases, and closed-circuit television cameras (HADG 1999).
Security cameras and other technologies are not a substitute for human beings (HADG 1999). As Hill Walker (1999) of the University of Oregon’s Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior points out, Columbine High School’s video cameras were not being monitored when the mass shootings broke out at that school. “If they had been monitored,” he says, “perhaps the bombs brought into the school prior to the shootings would have been detected and plot uncovered. Further, if the emergency team personnel had known where the shooters were in the building, they may have been able to save lives.”
Increasing supervision by adding security personnel is another option. Stephens cites the pros and cons of employing local police, contracting with a security-guard service, or hiring security professionals. “The ratio of adults to the number of students who must be supervised is of critical importance,” says Walker, who notes that Columbine High School had only a single school-security officer. Walker recommends that school resource officers report jointly to the school’s principal and to the police department and have close connections to the community and neighborhood.
Security can also be improved by cost-free measures such as changes in procedures, scheduling, and allocating space. For example, separating cafeteria entrances and exits reduces lunch-time congestion and the potential for student conflicts. It is important to control building access by limiting the number of entrances and exits and establishing visitor-screening policies. Parent volunteers can be recruited to supervise problem areas (Stephens). Closing the school campus eliminates a major risk factor (Walker).