Thursday, March 24, 2011

Using Firearms For Home Defense, Bad Idea?

Firearms are always a big topic when talking about home security or home defense. I personally carry a firearm and have several in my home; this does not mean I recommend everyone else do the same. I have experienced extensive training in the use of such weapons and have employed them correctly in real life situations; I am very comfortable with their use and am confident in my ability to keep them secured within my home. Many people do not have this level of training or ability to operate yet think that buying a pistol is the best way to defend themselves. This is the wrong answer in every situation.

Anyone with experience using firearms will tell you every time; the absolute best firearm for home defense is the shotgun. I use one myself and recommend the same to everyone who asks. Without serious training one will not be able to properly employ a pistol in a high tension situation, i.e. a burglar entering your home in the middle of the night. A shotgun is a simple weapon to operate and is approximately 275 times* more likely to hit the target in one of these tense situations.

Beyond the ease of use, the shotgun is a versatile weapon which enables you to use different types of rounds. This can reduce the chances of pass through. Maybe you live in an apartment, say you fire a handgun and miss your target, that round will continue until it hits something that stops it. It could easily pass through a wall and hit your neighbor sleeping on the other side (certain rounds can reduce this possibility). Buying a high number shot ammunition for your shotgun will allow you to miss and reduce the chances of such pass through. For those with a fear of killing such an intruder, less than lethal rounds are available for shotguns. A bean bag round will cause significant pain to the receiver of the shot but most likely will not kill the target. This allows a homeowner to gain control of the situation without the dread of taking a life on your conscious. A final point I always make about shotguns, the sound of a pump action shotgun being racked is generally enough to scare off any intruder. You don’t even have to have a round, perception is reality, and that sound strikes fear.

Other alternatives to firearms consist of pepper spray or tasers. These are legal for use in some states and outlawed in others. Obviously, it is the responsibility of the user to determine if the use of such a tool is permitted in their location. These can be useful tools when properly employed, training is still required.

For more information or a customized training event contact Brian at 516.554.9823 or email Training can be conducted in Long Island, New York or can be arranged at a facility near you.

*Figure is based on the average spread of a 12 gauge shotgun at 3 meters compared to the size of a 9mm pistol round. This does not take into account the increased control over a shotgun compared to a pistol which would increase this number significantly. Trained users would experience a slimmer difference in hit percentages.

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